Updates and deadlines will be updated here.
7/18-7/19 Senior Portraits at LBHS Cafeteria
8/22 Makeup Senior Portraits
8/21: Senior Parent Presentation at 10:30 and 5:30 in LBHS PAC
9/13: College Application Day
9/24: Senior Presentation from Balfour 9:30am
10/1: Cap and Gown Orders 7-8am
10/4: GET READY Event: FSA ID and State Application Day
10/18: Balfour returns 7-8am
TBA: 11am-1pm Update your Parent FSA ID if needed
TBA: 8-10am Update your Parent FSA ID if needed
TBA: FAFSA Day #1 9-3TBA: FAFSA Day #2 9-3
TBA: FAFSA Day #3 2-7
2/4: Optional Cap & Gown Pictures
TBA: Senior Night Practice 8-11TBA: Senior Night
TBA: Senior Exams
5/15: 9:30am Graduation Practice and 6PM Graduation at MS Coast Coliseum in Biloxi